What's New in HDD Thermometer

HDD Thermometer 1.2 (May 30, 2004)

  • [CHANGE] Added 11 new languages (Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Korean, Portuguese Brazil, Russian, Roumanian, Slovak, Swedish);
  • [CHANGE] Temperature logs moved from "User/Application Data" to "All Users/Application Data".
  • [BUGFIX] Temperature logs for identical hard drives was mixed into one file.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed bug with extremely high temperature (some disks occasionally report very high temperature, about 250 C)
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed small bugs in Uninstaller.

HDD Thermometer 1.1 (May 6, 2004)

  • [CHANGE] Added multilanguage support (currently available English and Italian language);
  • [CHANGE] Reversed temperature indicators in SysTray;
  • [CHANGE] Removed message at program startup when no disks that supports temperature detected;
  • [CHANGE] Removed "Display main Icon -> Never" option;
  • [CHANGE] Improved Temperature Log (logs only real changes, no duplicate lines)
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed wrong capacity bug for large disks (more than 137 GB).

HDD Thermometer 1.0 (Apr 4, 2004)

  • Initial release


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